By the end of 2016 we contacted the ONGD YAMUNA MADAGASCAR, who work in two major projects:
- Protection for women
- Protection for under aged
They manage an educational center with 350 children, two shelters for children from 6 to 17 years old, they do an external follow up for children who live in the city and guide them in the search for training and get jobs in the labor market.
Our "charity suitcases" arrived at Vontovorona, 20km from the capital, in two trips, March and June of 2017.
The Déléguée Expatriée de l'ONGD Yamuna in Madagascar wrote us: “The fact of wearing proper shoes, not only help avoiding injures, but also to increases their self-esteem. If, on top of that, these shoes are new (not hald broken) and nice, it' amazing for the kids! Thank you very much.“
For more info:
C/París, 97 local-2 – 08029-Barcelona
Tl. 34-93 4196944 – Fax 34-93 3210272
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Find us:
Rambla, 1
17600 Figueres
© 2018 by Associació Let's Walk - Sabates pel Món